Days after storm, Cutler Bay neighborhood remains inundated, Florida

Residents of a Cutler Bay neighborhood continued to deal with flood waters Tuesday morning, days after a tropical system ..."

Days after storm, Cutler Bay neighborhood remains inundated
Residents of a Cutler Bay neighborhood continued to deal with flood waters Tuesday morning, days after a tropical system ...
WPLG Local 10
June 7, 2022

Video of Cutler Bay "Days after storm, Cutler Bay neighborhood remains inundated" added to our site on June 7, 2022, by WPLG Local 10.

Text description of video "Days after storm, Cutler Bay neighborhood remains inundated" is Residents of a Cutler Bay neighborhood continued to deal with flood waters Tuesday morning, days after a tropical system ...

Video Days after storm, Cutler Bay neighborhood remains inundated has duration 54s

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Days after storm, Cutler Bay neighborhood remains inundated information

Published June 7, 2022
Views 1,972
Duration 54s
Added by WPLG Local 10